Art in the Age 1998 to Now Ann Arbor Mi Art Show
All Media winning pieces (left to right): All-time in Prove: "The Kiss", Michael Reedy – 2d identify: "Receptor", Catrhyn Amidei – 3rd place: "Carrier #x", Jonathan Gibson
October 24 to November 29 – Come across location and hours of the 117 Gallery
See all the selected artwork in our Pinterest board
1. Michael Reedy
2. Cathryn Amidei
three. Jonathan Gibson.
Honorable mentions:
Trenton Baylor
Alison Stinely
John McLaughlin
Established in 1922, the Annual All Media Exhibition at the Ann Arbor Art Center has a long and rich history. Submissions are accepted in any media.
In an try to showcase regional talent, this juried contest is open to all artists who live in the Bully Lakes region. Artists living in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are invited to submit to All Media Exhibition 2015.
Nosotros received 550 submissions from around 200 artists. Cristen Velliky, our juror, picked 60 pieces from all medias.
"The number of thoughtful and inspired entries for this exhibition overwhelmed me! From conceptual work, to realistic portraiture, to abstract landscapes, there was enough exciting artwork to easily fill iii galleries. My only regret is that I had to go out out many great pieces that should have likewise been included. I thoroughly enjoyed the jurying process, and want to thank anybody for his/her submissions this twelvemonth."
Cristen Velliky, Juror of the 93rd Annual All Media Exhibition
93rd Annual All Media Exhibition Selected Artists
Alison Franco |
Alison Stinely |
Angela Lenhardt |
Anne McCauley |
Benjamin Madeska |
Britta Urness |
Brooks Stevens |
Carine Lutz |
Carol Hanna |
Cathryn Amidei |
Cathy Jacobs |
Cheryl Dawdy |
Clara DeGalan |
Clara McClenon |
David Larkins |
Debra Buchanan |
Denis Sivack |
Doug Cannell |
Evan Breithart |
Felicia Macheske |
Greg Stahly |
Gregory Potter |
Jacqueline Simon |
Jan Bell |
Janet Kelman |
Jaye Schlesinger |
Jeffrey Gelick |
Jerrie Sasson |
John McLaughlin |
Jonathan Gibson |
Karen Gallup |
Karen Vigmostad |
Kathy Hiner |
Kenneth Hershenson |
Kip Kowalski |
Krista Reuter |
Liz Frankland |
Marcia Polenberg |
Meghan Lee |
Mg Shapiro |
Mia Risberg |
Michael McNeil |
Michael Reedy |
Naishn Hu |
Nancy Mladenoff |
Nick Azzaro |
Peter Lichomski |
Philip Painter |
Rebecca Pugh |
Robin Gibson |
Rocco DePietro |
Ruth Crowe |
Steven Schroeder |
Susan Vitali |
Tammy Carullo |
Taylor Stewart |
Ted Ramsay |
Trenton Baylor |
Vinicius Rebello Lima |
WanChuan Kesler |
Wendy Wernet |
List of selected pieces
Click here to download
This year's juror is Cristen Velliky, who is currently an Associate Professor of Art at the Academy of Michigan-Flint campus. She had studied Philosophy and English at the University of Michigan, equally well as Police force at the Detroit College of Police force. Cristen eventually had the opportunity to follow her passion for art, and left police school to written report at the Higher for Creative Studies in Detroit, focusing on mixed-textile design. She then attended and received her Masters of Fine Art from Cranbrook Academy in 1998. Since that time, she has exhibited her multi-media, three-dimensional piece of work in the United states of america as well as Europe. Selected exhibitions (both solo and group) include SOFA-Chicago at the Navy Pier, SOFA at Miami, Habatat Gallery of Michigan, the Gallery Project of Ann Arbor, the Cranbrook Museum of Art, the Network Gallery at Cranbrook, Paint Creek Center for the Arts, The Aaron Faber Gallery in New York, SUNY-New Paltz University Gallery, the Institute Europeo di Blueprint Gallery in Milan, Italy and the Colle Val d'elsa City Gallery in Colle, Italian republic. Her methods for coldworked glass were also filmed by the Detroit Institute of Arts for the Robinson Collection exhibit.
Entries Submission Deadline: Sunday, September 27
Artists notified of jurying results: October v
Drop-off Borderline: on or before Monday, October 19
Installation Period: Oct 19-23
Opening Reception (and announcement of winners): Saturday, October 24
Exhibition Closes: Sunday, November 29
Selection-up of Work: Monday-Tuesday, November 30-Dec 1
All-time of Show – Honor $500
2nd Place – $200
Third Place – $100
Two Honorable Mentions
Entry Fee
A non-refundable entry fee of $35 entitles each artist to enter up to iii pieces of artwork for consideration. Just credit and debit card payments are accepted; no cash or check payments will be accepted.
Works must be original within the previous 2 years. Works submitted must not have been previously shown in any competition at the Ann Arbor Fine art Center.
All artwork must exist professionally presented and ready for installation/hanging upon arrival at the Art Centre. Any work that does not meet these standards may exist excluded from the exhibition. Artists are responsible for providing all equipment necessary for the display of their piece of work.
Works may be hand delivered or shipped. If shipping, the artist is responsible for complying with all regulations pertaining to works of fine art. An artist desiring return shipment of artwork must include return shipping label with piece of work. Return shipment will exist packaged using the same packing materials they were shipped in. Otherwise, works must be delivered and picked upwards by the artist on the dates specified in the calendar. Artists are responsible for all shipping and return shipping costs, including insurance or any prepaid render aircraft that is no longer valid or sufficient.
Please contact the exhibitions department at
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